NRI Flying Club membership benefits
Members have access to four aircraft with varying degrees of capability.
Each aircraft will require a familiarization/checkout flight with one of our CFI's, the 182RG has special insurance currency requirements.
- Four well maintained aircraft including a Cessna 172, a 182 and a 182RG and a Piper Archer
- All aircraft are equipped with a Garmin GTN 750 or 650 GPS, Garmin 3D audio panel and are fully ADSB equipped
- All aircraft are IFR certified
- We have 7 CFI's in the club that can help you with currency, training or additional ratings
- Access to our online scheduling system
- Your own set of keys, self dispatch
- Flexible overnight scheduling rules
- Social functions including our summer BBQ and winter Christmas party
- A dedicated and safety minded board of directors
- Camaraderie with like minded pilots
- Lowest possible rates
Membership Dues
Dues cover our fixed costs including parking fees and insurance. Hourly rates cover the cost of operation and maintenance.
Become a member
Prospective members should plan to attend the next meeting of the board of directors
For questions about membership and to obtain the application form, please contact our membership officer Email: Also plan to attend the next monthly meeting of the board of directors to introduce yourself to the members and the board.
featured members
Chuck Conover
Chuck is our dedicated maintenance officer and also enjoys buzzing around California in his 152.
Sean Calhoun
Sean is an instrument rated pilot and loves to take trips to various west coast destinations.
Elizabeth Leddy
Elizabeth enjoys family trips and training flights.
Rahul Pandey
Rahul is a newbie exploring the freedom of the skies
John Pericich
John is an airline pilot and a club CFI.